Monday, July 28, 2008

Two Tired Pilots and Catch-Up (Summary)

Sorry that this summary of the trip took so long but when the guys arrived home the work waiting for them to catch-up on was staggering. Both men have farms and it was haying season so you can imagine how busy they have been. Thanks to all our fans who have waited patiently.
The "Last Chance" flew a total of 5400 hundred miles, give or take a few and exactly 70 hours. The only aircraft issue was when the oil inspection door came open on take off from Northway on the return trip. This was due to the hinge pin working it's way out. A quick landing and reinstalling the pin fixed that with no damage to the door. Not bad for a 1968 Cessna 150! The old girl burned 397 gallons of fuel and 7 quarts of oil for a 5.7 gph average. Total fuel costs were $2,540.00 and the average price of fuel was $6.40. Oil costs were $4 to $8 per qt. Total cost for the trip was $4,446.70. Motel rooms were the biggest expense after the fuel costs. The motels ranged from $40 to $100 a night. The only side excursion the fellas took was a half day guided salmon fishing trip that costs them $150 each. Cars were rented in Fairbanks and Wasilla, Alaska for $40 per day plus fuel. Laundry was dropped off twice and costs were $40 total. That leaves around $600. for food for 15 days. Rich did a oil change and 100 hour inspection on the plane when they returned to Macon and nothing unusual was found. There you have the logistical and practical breakdown of the trip. The emotional and spiritual side of this adventure may be a little harder to decipher.
After 70 hours together in the small cockpit of the "Last Chance" and 15 nights in a motel room the guys found out for sure that they are compatible companions. Military training, life experience and age all played a role in their ability to get along in such close quarters. But it was the military bond that played a significant role in this odyssey. Remember, Bill was a bomber crewman in WWII while Rich's Dad was a fighter pilot in the same war. Rich served in Vietnam in the Army. The guys met up with two new Annapolis Navy ensigns and then two Vietnam vets and they all flew into Alaska together before going their seperate ways. Then while flying through "Windy Pass" near Denali park, 10 Blackhawk helicopters deploying to Iraq flew below them as they were circling to gain altitude. When they arrived at their last stop in Canada to retrieve Bill's gun they met Glenn Heisler. Glenn had flown in Lancaster Bombers over Germany for the English. It's hard to ignore the possibility that maybe something was going on here we can't quite put our finger on.
There were so many interesting and kind people met along the way. Some extended a generosity that took both men by surprise. Thank you Steve Mahay and Gloria Peterson. Everyone was exceptional in their welcome and service. The Canadian people were outstanding and the folks in Alaska the best of America!
If you have a dream that you want to accomplish but can't seem to make it happen here's how. Make it a priority. Put it on the calendar and start planning towards that goal. Put some money aside, take on some extra work to get the funds. Get a partner who shares the dream. Pray about it. Get your family to support it. A wise man was once asked near the end of his life if he had any regrets. "Only one" he said, " I wish I had taken a few more risks in life."
Thanks to all who helped make this trip possible. Thanks to everyone we met along the way and especially to those who helped make this dream trip special. May you all be satisfied with life!